1. I come from a big family, I have 9 brothers and sisters and my mom is one of my best friends.
2. I was born in Mexico, and English is my second language.
3. I ride a motorcycle ( 73 Honda CB350)
4. I am obsessed with Kava, Kombucha, Chai Lattes, and La Croixs.
5. I played basketball in college.
6. I LOVE pop music ( Lady Gaga, Britney, Madonna, Ke$ha) and Reggaeton (not to be confused with reggae)
7. I live in beautiful downtown San Francisco with my fur baby named Dudie. He is a Snowshoe kitty.
8. When I was a kid, I would day dream about being a rock star. Some of my current favorite movies are A Star is Born, Bohemian Rhapsody, Rocket Man, The Runways, Gia.
9. My morning routine is my favorite. A walk in the park, with a warm bevvy in hand, followed by journaling, and meditation.
10. My highest values are Connection, Intimacy and Freedom. The more authentic I am the more connection, and intimacy I create, the more free I feel!